Application Performance Optimization : Frontend Loading

Ameen Alqattow

Development Tech Lead @ Innotech

Why is page loading experience important

  • Increase in Website Traffic
  • Higher Customer Satisfaction
  • Better SEO

How do we measure page loading experience

Metrics Definition

  • There are 4 Main metrics for Page Loading
  • TTFB : Time to First Byte, the time that it takes for a user's browser to receive the first byte of page content
  • FCP : First Contentful Paint, which is the time in seconds until we see anything of significance on the page

Metrics Definition

  • LCP : Largest Contentful Paint, which is the time in seconds until the largest element/content on the page has finished rendering
  • TTI: Time To Interactive, which is the time in seconds until the user can interact with page elements(forms, buttons,etc)

Tool Introduction

  • We use 2 Main tools to evaluate page performance
  • Page Speed Insights by Google
  • Web Page Test by

Page Speed Insights

  • General tool
  • Not Very Detailed
  • Gives us a good evaluation of the user point of view, and reccomendations, but does not let us access raw data
  • Gives Results for both Mobile and Desktop

Page Speed Insights

WebPage Test

  • More Specialized Tool
  • Very Detailed, includes request patterns, security scores, server checking, headers, screenshots, video recordings, etc
  • Gives us a good technical evaluation, and helpds us investigate
  • Automateable API for Continuous Testing
  • Needs to Be configured for each run; very flexible

WebPage Test

Common Tricks to improve page loading experience

Deferred Resources

  • Deferred Resources are Resources That are downloaded in the background and then processed after HTML is Processed
  • This means that the page will render, then these resources will be parsed and rendered
  • This helps us by making non-essential parts of our page show up later

Deferred JS

  • Deferred JS is usually used for non-critical 3rd party libraries
  • It is also used for JS that is not used directly when the page is loaded
  • Easily added by using "defer" tags on script elements


Deferred CSS

  • Deferred CSS is usually used for styles that do not affect the initial page render
  • It is rarer to use, as most CSS styles are distribured together, but can have a high impact on page load

Async Resources

  • Async Resources are resources that are downloaded in the background, then processed once the download is completed
  • This means that they stop HTML rendering while they are being loaded
  • This is useful for something which is not needed for structure, but also needed for content

Async JS

  • Async JS are JS files that are downloaded asynchronously and processed
  • Useful for 3rd party integrations, trackers, etc
  • But unlike deferred JS, will block the HTML render while processed


Performance comparison

Lazy Loaded Media

  • Lazy loading is a strategy to identify resources as non-blocking (non-critical) and load these only when needed
  • Media, Such as Video, Images, etc, can be loaded asynchronously as well
  • As media may make up the bulk of a page's content, this is very helpful in getting the structure of the page up and making it feel faster


  • CDN means Content Distribution Network
  • It is a distributed set of servers that serve your static content
  • Many providers, such as AWS, Cloudflare, Akamai
  • The main goal is to serve content as close as possible to the client is
  • This reduces network latency, which improves load times
  • Reduces load on our servers, meaning less response delay, improving load times

Response Compression

  • HTTP Responses are either text or binary data
  • These can be compressed to save network bandwidth
  • As a general rule, the less network bandwidth used, the faster the page loads

Text/Response Compression

  • Response Compression is performed by the web server, May reduce up to 70% network bandwidth
  • This compression happens Just in Time, as the response is leaving the server
  • Handled transperantly by the browser and server
  • Can also be used to compress JSON, file downloads, etc
  • Accept-Encoding: gzip, compress, br

Media Compression

  • Media compression is using media formats that come pre-compressed
  • An Example of this is svg and WebP,WebM
  • This is done when these resources are created/exported, and not by the web server
  • Very helpful in content-heavy sites


  • Caching is keeping our content saved on the client's device for a period of time(set by us)
  • This means there is less network operations going on
  • Which in turn, means less IO, and no latency
  • Resulting in instant loading of some resources

Header Caching

  • The First way to do caching is using response headers
  • We use the Cache-Control HTTP header for this
  • This is great for setting cache policies for the entire server
  • Not so great when fine tuning cache policies
  • Also not dynamic - can be configured either for all clients or none

Service Worker Caching

  • Service workers essentially act as proxy servers that sit between web applications, the browser, and the network (when available).
  • Run in a worker context: it therefore has no DOM access, and runs on a different thread to the main JavaScript that powers your app, so it is non-blocking.
  • These give us ability to intercept and handle network requests
  • Used with Offline First and PWA

Thank You